Has the local Health Officer Inspected your Premises in the last 12-months? Were you happy with the Score you received?

WE are Training Providers in the Food Industry with great knowledge of all the requirements needed to meet current legislation for All Takeaways, Cafes, Restaurants and Fish and Chip Shops. 

THE FOOD HYGIENE RATING SCHEME.    (FHRS, Black text on Green Background, Scores on the Door)  Nearly all local authorities operate this system and after an inspection will give you a score from zero (low) to 5 (high).

This score is available on the Internet and Smart Phone Apps for the public to view.  It is now a legal requirement that ALL Food Premises in Wales and Northern Ireland must display their Hygiene Rating in a prominent place ON SITE irrespective of the score.  This Law will apply to England very soon.

WE can help you raise your standards for a higher rating.

SAFER FOOD-BETTER BUSINESS, known as SF-BB.  You MUST have this book, (Or an equivalent system) both parts filled out and in operation.  Without this book, you will automatically only have a score of 1 before any other issues are checked.  The book is 176 double sided pages.

WE can supply you will this book and help you fill it out.

HAZARD ANALYSIS AND CRITICAL CONTROL POINT known as HACCP.  This has been a legal requirement since 2006.  In addition to SF-BB you will need a system and documents as part of your MANAGEMENT CONTROLS.

WE can devise a system suitable for your needs, teach you how to operate the controls and retain records.

All Food Handlers must be trained according to their duties and up to date Staff Training Records MUST be kept as part of SF-BB.  In nearly every case, your Health Officer will strongly recommend or insist that exams and certificates are taken from an Approved Awarding Body such as CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, known as CIEH

WE can train you and your staff and conduct the exams on site for CIEH Certificates for Food Safety in Catering and other qualifications

Since December 2014, the EU Food Information to Consumers Regulations requires you to inform your customers of the Allergen Ingredients in all food sold loose, pre-packed, prepared and cooked on site.  You and your staff must understand the Regulations and be educated of the potential risks.

WE can prepare a Customer Information Pack and teach you how to use it.



Michael Pili

Office 0121 308 0229       Mobile 07836 662807   mikepili@blueyonder.co.uk